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For more on this, see. Major and minor as terms refer to the quality of the third in a chord. There are three octaves on a guitar.

Then the pattern repeats. The vii 0 triad can be written as paralling to a minor triad and that would make it a minor flat 5. The A minor pentatonic scale you have learned comes right out of the Aeolian mode, which is the 6th mode in the key of C Major.

Buy a Keyboard - See the for more options. Chord I is the tonic chord, which we have already learned.

What are the chords in the key of C major? To answer this question we first of all need to take a look at the C major scale. The C major scale consists of the notes C D E F G A B C. Each of the chords in the key of C major are named after one of these notes. Secondly, all the chords in this key C major makes use of these notes only. There is a pattern of naming major chords for every major key. This pattern is Major Minor Minor Major Major Minor Diminished. To learn more about chords by key what chords are in what key and why , check out my book,. Here are the chords in C major. I shall list both the triads three note chords and four note extended chords with sevenths. Numerals that represent a major chord are usually capitalized, and minor and diminished chords are lower case. When we add sevenths to these chords we end up with C major seventh, D minor seventh, E minor seventh, F major seventh, G dominant seventh, A minor seventh, and B minor seventh flat five which on your instrument is the same as B half diminished seventh. Watch this lesson: The following Key Chord Chart shows all the triads in C major as well as four note extended chords. Piano Chords In The Key Of C Major So what are the notes of these chords? D minor seventh consists of the notes, D — F — A — C. E minor seventh contains the notes, E — G — B — D. F major seventh contains the notes, F — A — C — E. G dominant seventh contains the notes, G — B — D — F. A minor seventh consists of the note, A — C — E — G. This scale has no sharps and no flats. On piano, you play white keys only. Here is the C major scale on piano.


These are the notes in the C chord. The Quick reference version contains all the incredible full color graphics from Music Theory: The Language of Sound in one place. Numerals that represent a major chord are usually capitalized, and minor and diminished chords are lower case. These open strings can be strummed along with the other notes to play the C chord. Dutch language version of the reference guide available now. The chords in the key of C major are C Major, D minor, E minor, F Major, G Major, A minor, and B diminished. Popular chord progressions in the key of G The key of G is a very popular key, since it only has one accidental, the F. The G major scale has 7 notes, each with a corresponding scale degree: Degree: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 octave Note: G A B C D E F G But how do we know which chord will be major or minor?.